
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ulrich


  Tel: ~345-5528400
  Fax: ~345-5527358
  Email: joachim.ulrich@~remove.these.four.words~iw.uni-halle.de
  Web: http://tvt.iw.uni-halle.de/




Geförderte Projekte im Exzellenzcluster (07/2005-06/2008)


  • Technische Kristallisation
  • Emulsionserzeugung
  • Molekular Modelling (Vorhersage der Kristallformen)


  • Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., “Hollow Crystalline Needles: Filled and Closed”, Proc. of ISIC 11, 369 (2011)
  • Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., “Improving the Stability of Crystalline Tubes“, Proc. of ISIC 11, 78 (2011)
  • Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., “Generation of Crystalline Hollow Needles: New Approach by Liquid-Liquid Phase Transformation”, Chemical Engineering & Technology 34, 599 (2011)
  • Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., “Decreasing the Diameter of Crystalline Tubes and an Approach to Explain its Nucleation”, Chemical Engineering & Technology 34, 578 (2011)
  • Schuster, A. and Ulrich, J., “The Generation of Crystalline Hollow Needles”, Proc. of BIWIC 17, 449 (2010)
  • Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., “Decreasing the Diameter of Crystalline Tubes”, Proc. of BIWIC 17, 495 (2010)
  • Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M.J., and Ulrich, J., “Dehydration behaviour of hydrates”, Crystal Research and Technology 45, 697 (2010)
  • Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M. J., Coquerel, G., and Ulrich, J., “Fascinating control of crystalline microstructures”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 88, 1158 (2010)
  • Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., Petersen, S., and Ulrich, J., “Closed Crystalline Tubes as a Container System”, Chemical Engineering & Technology 33, 787 (2010)
  • Dette, S. S., "Kristalline Röhren - Erzeugt durch die Dehydratation in organischen Lösungsmitteln",  Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2009)
  • Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M. J., Coquerel, G., and Ulrich, J., "Fascinating control of crystalline microstructures", In Proceedings of ISIC 17 eds. Jansens, J.P., and Ulrich, J., 377-383 (2008)
  • Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Römbach, E., Jones, M. J., and Ulrich, J., "Controlling the internal diameter of nanotubes by changing the concentrations of the antisolvent", Cryst. Growth Des. 7 9, 1615-1617 (2007)
  • Jones, M. J., Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J., Cryst. Res. Technol., 41, 5-9 (2006)
  • Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J., "Hollow crystalline needles - tubes for nano technology", in ISIC 16 ed. Ulrich, J., VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 523-528 (2005)
  • Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J., "Smaller dimensioning of crystallization equipment as a consequence of very fast crystallization processes", in BIWIC 12, eds. Jones, M. and Ulrich, J., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Halle, 295-302 (2005)
  • Ulrich, J., Strege, C., J. Cryst. Growth 237-239, 2130-2135 (2002)
  • Bechtloff, B., Norhoff, S., Ulrich, J., Cryst. Res. Technol. 36, 1315-1328 (2001)
  • Bechtloff, B., Jüsten, P., Ulrich, J., CIT 73, 453-460 (2001)
  • Ulrich, J., Bechtloff, B., CIT 72, 966 (2000)
  • Bechtloff, B., Nordhoff, S., Ulrich, J., Chemische Technik 51, 73-79 (1999)
  • Nordhoff, S., Dümpelmann, R., Wagner, G., Ulrich, J., CIT 71, 487-490 (1999)
  • Nordhoff, S., Ulrich, J., J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 57, 181-192 (1999)
  • Strege, C., "Additiveinflüsse auf die Stabilität von Pseudopolymorphen", Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2004), online publication
  • Bechtloff, B., "Gezielte Beeinflussung der Kinetik von Fest-Flüssig-Reaktionskristallisationen", Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2002), online publication
  • Nordhoff, S., "Zur Pseudomolymorphie unter Lösungsmitteleinfluss", Dissertation, Universität Bremen, Aachen: Shaker Verlag (1999)
  • Omar, W., "Zur Bestimmung von Kristallisationskinetiken auch unter der Einwirkung von Additiven mittels Ultraschallmesstechnik", Dissertation, Universität Bremen (1999)

(letzte Änderung: 04.07.2023, 13:34 Uhr)