Prof. Dr. Joachim Ulrich
Geförderte Projekte im Exzellenzcluster (07/2005-06/2008)
- Technische Kristallisation
- Emulsionserzeugung
- Molekular Modelling (Vorhersage der Kristallformen)
Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J.,
“Hollow Crystalline Needles: Filled and Closed”,
Proc. of ISIC 11, 369 (2011)
Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J.,
“Improving the Stability of Crystalline Tubes“,
Proc. of ISIC 11, 78 (2011)
Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J.,
“Generation of Crystalline Hollow Needles: New Approach by Liquid-Liquid Phase Transformation”,
Chemical Engineering & Technology 34, 599 (2011)
Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J.,
“Decreasing the Diameter of Crystalline Tubes and an Approach to Explain its Nucleation”,
Chemical Engineering & Technology 34, 578 (2011)
Schuster, A. and Ulrich, J.,
“The Generation of Crystalline Hollow Needles”,
Proc. of BIWIC 17, 449 (2010)
Wachsmuth, A., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J.,
“Decreasing the Diameter of Crystalline Tubes”,
Proc. of BIWIC 17, 495 (2010)
Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M.J., and Ulrich, J.,
“Dehydration behaviour of hydrates”,
Crystal Research and Technology 45, 697 (2010)
Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M. J., Coquerel, G., and Ulrich, J.,
“Fascinating control of crystalline microstructures”,
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 88, 1158 (2010)
Schuster, A., Stelzer, T., Petersen, S., and Ulrich, J.,
“Closed Crystalline Tubes as a Container System”,
Chemical Engineering & Technology 33, 787 (2010)
Dette, S. S.,
"Kristalline Röhren - Erzeugt durch die Dehydratation in organischen Lösungsmitteln",
Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2009)
Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Jones, M. J., Coquerel, G., and Ulrich, J.,
"Fascinating control of crystalline microstructures", In Proceedings of
ISIC 17 eds. Jansens, J.P., and Ulrich, J., 377-383 (2008)
Dette, S. S., Stelzer, T., Römbach, E., Jones, M. J., and Ulrich, J.,
"Controlling the internal diameter of nanotubes by changing the
concentrations of the antisolvent", Cryst. Growth Des. 7 9, 1615-1617
Jones, M. J., Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J., Cryst. Res. Technol., 41, 5-9 (2006)
Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J.,
"Hollow crystalline needles - tubes for nano technology",
in ISIC 16 ed. Ulrich, J., VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 523-528 (2005)
Dette, S. S. and Ulrich, J.,
"Smaller dimensioning of crystallization equipment as a consequence of very fast
crystallization processes",
in BIWIC 12, eds. Jones, M. and Ulrich, J.,
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Halle, 295-302 (2005)
Ulrich, J., Strege, C., J. Cryst. Growth 237-239, 2130-2135 (2002)
Bechtloff, B., Norhoff, S., Ulrich, J., Cryst. Res. Technol. 36, 1315-1328 (2001)
Bechtloff, B., Jüsten, P., Ulrich, J., CIT 73, 453-460 (2001)
Ulrich, J., Bechtloff, B., CIT 72, 966 (2000)
Bechtloff, B., Nordhoff, S., Ulrich, J., Chemische Technik 51, 73-79 (1999)
Nordhoff, S., Dümpelmann, R., Wagner, G., Ulrich, J., CIT 71, 487-490 (1999)
Nordhoff, S., Ulrich, J., J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 57, 181-192 (1999)
Strege, C.,
"Additiveinflüsse auf die Stabilität von Pseudopolymorphen",
Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2004),
online publication
Bechtloff, B., "Gezielte Beeinflussung der Kinetik von Fest-Flüssig-Reaktionskristallisationen",
Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2002),
online publication
Nordhoff, S., "Zur Pseudomolymorphie unter Lösungsmitteleinfluss",
Dissertation, Universität Bremen, Aachen: Shaker Verlag (1999)
Omar, W., "Zur Bestimmung von Kristallisationskinetiken auch unter der Einwirkung von Additiven mittels Ultraschallmesstechnik",
Dissertation, Universität Bremen (1999)
(letzte Änderung: 04.07.2023, 13:34 Uhr)