
High-angle annular dark field high-resolution cross-sectional scanning transmission electron micrograph in false colours of a La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO, red)/SrRuO3 (blue) superlattice with antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling, grown by pulsed laser deposition onto a vicinal SrTiO3 (yellow) substrate.

M. Ziese, I. Vrejoiu, E. Pippel, P. Esquinazi, D. Hesse, C. Etz, J. Henk, A. Ernst, I.V. Maznichenko, W. Hergert, and I. Mertig: Tailoring magnetic interlayer coupling in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrRuO3 superlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 167203 (2010)
Die Fermi-Fläche von Kupfer (Abb. aus "Science"-Artikel). Die Farbe kodiert die Krümmung der Fläche - blaue Gebiete sind stark gekrümmt, rote flach. Die flachen Gebiete definieren die Richtungen, in die sich Elektronenwellen bevorzugt ausbreiten.

Alexander Weismann, Martin Wenderoth, Samir Lounis, Peter Zahn, Norbert Quaas, Rainer G. Ulbrich, Peter H. Dederichs, Stefan Blügel: Seeing the Fermi Surface in Real Space by Nanoscale Electron Focusing, Science 323, 1190 (2009)

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Kobalt-Inseln auf Gold-Oberfläche

O. Fruchart, M. Klaua, J. Barthel, J. Kirschner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2769 (1999)

weitere Informationen: MN
Hexagonales Gitter von ZnO Nanodrähten

M. Zacharias, U. Gösele et al.

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Single crystal manganese oxide multipods. The synthesis of hexapods (one example shown) is based on thermal decomposition of Mn(oleate)2. They are homogeneous in size. The single pods are smaller than 100nm.

"Single Crystal Manganese Oxide Multipods by Oriented Attachement", David Zitoun, Nicola Pinna, Nathalie Frolet, Claude Belin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 15034 (2005)

weitere Informationen: NW
Gold-Cluster an Bolalipid-Fäden

A. Blume et al.

weitere Informationen: SN
Kobalt-Drähte in Blockcopolymeren

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Ultradünne Kobalt/Polymer Nanoröhren

K. Nielsch et al.

Regular, 2D metallodielectric microstructures have been produced in nanocomposite glass by electric-field assisted dissolution of embedded silver particles. Any pattern of a structured electrode (in this work, macroporous silicon) can be transferred to the nanocomposite. This technique is potentially useful for production of diffractive optical elements, channel waveguides, and submicrometer optical structures suitable for plasmonic applications. (Collaboration beetween the FB Physik and the Interdiszipl. Zentrum f. Materialwissenschaften.)

A. Abdolvand, A. Podlipensky et al. Adv. Mater. 17, 2983 (2005) cover image
Scanning electron micrograph of a nanoporous glass structure (blue colored) with nickel crystals (yellow). (Collaboration beetween the FB Chemie and the Interdiszipl. Zentrum f. Materialwissenschaften.)

Scientia halensis 12 (2), (2004) cover image

weitere Informationen: NT1
Ordered arrays of vertically aligned silicon nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy using prepatterned arrays of gold droplets on Si(111) substrates. The ordered arrays of gold particles were produced by nanosphere lithography before. (Collaboration beetween the Interdiszipl. Zentrum f. Materialwissenschaften and the MPI f. Mikrostrukturphysik.)

B. Fuhrmann, H. S. Leipner et. al., Nano Lett. 5, 2524 (2005)

weitere Informationen: NT5 NW2
Array of toroidal gold nanoparticles on a silicon substrate produced by nanosphere lithography.

B. Fuhrmann et. al.

weitere Informationen: NT5
Scanning electron micrograph of SiGe/Si islands grown under far non-equilibrium growth conditions. (Collaboration between the FB Physik, the Interdiszipl. Zentrum f. Materialwissenschaften and the Institut f. Kristallzüchtung Berlin.)

M. Hanke, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 142101 (2005) cover image

weitere Informationen: NW3
Diffuse Roentgenstreuung an selbstorganisierten SiGe/Si(001) Inselstrukturen

Hanke et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 075317 (2004)

weitere Informationen: NW3
Self organized liquid crystalline nanostructure composed of triangular, square and pentagonal cylinders (electron density map)

B. Chen, X. Zeng, U. Baumeister, G. Ungar, C. Tschierske, Science, 307, 96-99 (2005)

weitere Informationen: SN2
Optical texture of a liquid crystalline phase as seen between crossed polarizers under an applied electric DC field

weitere Informationen: SN2

(letzte Änderung: 02.03.2009, 13:56 Uhr)