PD Dr. Dirk Enke
Geförderte Projekte im Exzellenzcluster (07/2005-06/2008)
- Preparation, characterization and modification of nanoporous solids
- Adsorption, catalysis and solid phase biochemistry
- Nanoporous monoliths with hierarchical pore structures (membranes, tubes, caps)
- Relations between texture and transport properties in nanoporous solids
- Nanoporous glasses, optical chemosensors, catalysis and solid phase biochemistry
- D. Enke, F. Friedel, T. Hahn, F. Janowski, in:
Characterization of Porous Solids VII, P. Llewellyn (Editor),
"Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Transport Properties of
Catalyst Supports Derived from a Catalytic Test Reaction",
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006, 455
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F. Janowski,
"Platinum dispersion analysis depending on the pore geometry of the support",
Catalysis Letters 2004, 1-2, 13
D. Enke, F. Janowski, W. Schwieger,
"Porous glasses in the 21st century - a short review",
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 60 (2003) 19-30
- G. Walter, R. Kranold, D. Enke, G. Goerigk,
"Small-angle X-ray scattering characterization of porous glasses",
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2003, 36, 592
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F. Janowski,
"Application of small-angle scattering for the identification of small amounts of platinum supported on porous silica",
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2003, 64, 2209
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F, Janowski, T. Hahn,
"About the realistic porosity of porous glasses",
Journal of Porous Materials 2003, 10, 179
- W. Gille, O. Kabisch, S. Reichl, D. Enke, D. Fürst, F. Janowski,
"Characterization of porous glasses via small-angle scattering and other methods",
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2002, 54, 145
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F. Janowski,
"Pore Size Distribution and Chord Length Distribution of Porous VYCOR Glass (PVG)",
Journal of Porous Materials 2002, 9, 211
- F. Janowski, D. Enke,
in: Handbook of Porous Solids, F. Schüth, K.S.W. Sing, J. Weitkamp (Editors),
"Porous Glasses", Volume 3, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002, 1432
- D. Enke, K. Otto, F. Janowski, W. Heyer, W. Schwieger, W. Gille,
"Two phase systems: Mesoporous silica inside Controlled Pore Glasses",
Journal of Materials Science 2001, 36, 2349
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F. Janowski,
"Stereological Macropore Analysis of a Controlled Pore Glass by use of Small-Angle Scattering",
Journal of Porous Materials 2001, 8, 179
- W. Gille, D. Enke, F. Janowski,
"Order Distance Estimation in Porous Glasses via Transformed Correlation Function of Small-Angle Scattering",
Journal of Porous Materials 2001, 8, 111
(letzte Änderung: 04.07.2023, 13:34 Uhr)