Dr. Martin Diestelhorst
Geförderte Projekte im Exzellenzcluster (07/2005-06/2008)
- Nichtlineare Dynamik, Bifurkationsverhalten und Chaos in nichtlinearen Resonatoren,
- Nichtlineare elastische, elektromechanische, dielektrische und pyroelektrische Eigenschaften von Ferroelektrika,
- Umschalteigenschaften von Ferroelektrika,
- Ferroelektrische Phasenumwandlungen.
M. Diestelhorst,
"Chaos and stochastic resonance in ferroelectrics - two effects related to switching",
Ferroelectrics 316, 65-70 (2005)
B. Mereu, M. Alexe, M. Diestelhorst, C. P. Cristescu, C. Stan,
"Investigations on the dynamics of a metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor heterostructure",
Journal of Optoelectronic and Advanced Materials 7, 691-695 (2005)
M. Diestelhorst,
"Application of small-signal amplification in a series resonance circuit with TGS-capacitor as pyroelectric detector",
in: St. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L. M. Pecora, R. Meucci, O. Yordanov (eds.):
Experimental Chaos, Melville, New York, 2004, 39-44
M. Diestelhorst, K. Drozhdin,
"Stochastic resonance and domain switching",
Ferroelectrics 291, 217-224 (2003)
R. P. Kapsch, H. Kantz, R. Hegger, M. Diestelhorst,
"Determination of the dynamical properties of ferroelectrics using nonlinear time series analysis",
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 1019-1034 (2001)
M. Diestelhorst, K. Drozhdin,
"Stochastic resonance in ferroelectric triglycine sulfate",
Ferroelectrics 238, 589-596 (2000)
M. Diestelhorst,
"Method and device for converting infra-red radiation into electric signals with high amplification",
US Patent 6023062 (2000);
"Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Umwandlung von Infrarotstrahlung in elektrische Signale mit hochwirksamem Verstärkerprinzip"
Patent DE 19625461 A1 (1998)
M. Diestelhorst, R. P. Kapsch, H. Beige,
"Nonlinear amplification effects in a periodically perturbed period-doubling series resonance circuit",
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 243-250 (1999)
M. Diestelhorst, R. Hegger, L. Jaeger, H. Kantz, R. P. Kapsch,
"Experimental verification of noise induced attractor deformation",
Physical Review Letters 82, 2274-2277 (1999)
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R. Hegger, H. Kantz, F. Schmüser, M. Diestelhorst, R. P. Kapsch, H. Beige,
"Dynamical properties of a ferroelectric capacitor observed through nonlinear time series analysis",
Chaos 8, 727-736 (1998)
(letzte Änderung: 04.07.2023, 13:34 Uhr)